This morning I woke up wondering, will I ever be able to go to moon in my life? Unexpectedly, I made it!
Well is not i really go to the moon, but I went to this IMAX cinemea at Times Square Kuala Lumpur, and I watched a 3D movie named "Walk to the moon".
As real as it can get, the 3D solved my wonders on how a moon look like. I almost thaught I was at the moon! Looking at the sands, the surface and the astraunaults "cleaning my helmet", I just can't tell you how excited and happy i was.
The movie lasts for 45 minutes. It brings us back to the history of the mankind's expedition to moon, and of course the first walk on the moon and the rest of the astraunauts who made it to the moon. It is a meaningful historical journey.
Undenialble that it is truly a bless to have a chance to be on the moon, but this is also a very heavy burden. Being to the moon can never be a personal objective and a man's selfish dream. Every astraunault who stood there, they carried the great responsibilities of all mankind. Each step they made, they wrote a new chapter for our history. To discover, to build and to implement each mission for the mankind, is truly a great contribution that we all must respect and remember.

I salute u, Mr & Mrs Astraunault.
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