Wednesday, December 27, 2006
My Christmas Tree

When I was walking around IKEA, I no longer can hold my desire to have a xmas tree of my own. The price was cheap, and it displayed too many nice pretty decorations, I just can't get my hands off them. As i know my mom won't allow me to put one at home, thus, i put it in my office.
My office looks bright and joyful with it. I enjoyed spending hour putting all the lights and decorations on. Though is just a small tree, and my first time decorating it, I just can't help feeling how much contented I am. (Perhaps, I should try to make a bigger one next year. Hehe.)
Posted by Cartoon Sticker at 5:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 06, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
This is it....The Grand Final!
Immediately after the selection, while i was still reminising about my earlier performance, 5 of us was brought to a briefing at the backstage....We were told a whole list of schedules and things to do, it sound extremely tiring and frighthening. The final was at the same night, and we only had one time to reherse. But who cares, "I am going to perform on the grandest stage in front of one of the most popular asian singer, my all time favourite SANDY LAM!!!"That alone enough to swipe all my worries and tireness.
We then being brought to the hall..yes! The Genting Arena! I had always dreamt to be on that stage, singing to thousands of people, feeling the moment surrounded by people listening to me...and it finally happened to me! I can't tell you how stupid I was, I did imagine myself singing on a stage like this when i was little many times. Now I got to do it! It is the touchest moment of my life. I really felt proud to make it, win or loose, it meant nothing anymore. What more to say, I got to sing along with the live band! My first time ever! (I still very excited over it until now.)
The rehersal went on about 1 hour, then we were told to head back to hotel for a break and be back in an hour. Frankly, if it wasn't of the excitement, I really collapsed due to the tireness and the pressure. The night was a big night, and the show must be successful. EMI invested quite a lot on this mini tribute concert aka contest to Sandy Lam.
At 4pm, we gathered once again at the hall for the final preparation, the touch up, make up in another word. haha. It was 4 hours before the show, everyone just can't hide the excitement. By 6, the rest of the crew like dancers and guest artists arrived. I really had a great time enjoying myself talking to many artists, they were really some great people that I have ever met. And to my surprise, they were friendly and easy to be with! (I made a good friend with one of the artist until now! Sweet!).
By 7, the hall began filled with people, while i stared from the back of the curtain, i can tell the hall was around 1/3 full for a capacity of almost 7ooo, i would say at least 2 thousand people including fans turned up. At 8, Sandy Lam appeared!!!!! She was escorted to the judges seat...and came down to all of us, the contestants & the guests artists to put up a good show!!
When the #2 contestant was called to the stage, I almost wet my pants. I was so excited and scared! I know I can't let the nerve ruin me and everyone, by hook or by crook, I must performed well. was my time! #3!!!!! I took the mic over, walking out from the curtain and walked towards the center stage....Sweet! The hall was so beautiful. I looked at the audience, it was like whole dark but with lights like stars...I really thaught I just walked into the space. And there, I saw Sandy Lam, so stuning. She looked at me, music played...and i took off. I put myself into the song, I felt like a star singing on the stage, I didn't feel scare anymore. It was so warm. I saw some flourecent tube swaying together with my singing. I heard loud of applauce...I felt like crying, I thank god for giving me such a moment of my life time. And most importantly, my family and friends were at the audience cheering for me, and Sandy Lam did look at me from begining till end...I MADE IT! I FINISHED!!!
Contentedly without screwing the song, i walked to the backstage with smile. I wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who clapped for me. Now all that was finally over, I had my great moment, the winning still meant nothing from begining till now, as my purpose were all acheived, singing to my favourite idol, singing on Genting Arena and singing to thousand of people. There is nothing more I can ask for.
Forgive me for not paying attention to the rest of the contestants, I spent my time chatting with the crew, the contestants who performed, and the artists. It wasn't a contest anymore. Everyone around all friendly and nice. It was a wonderful moment for me to ever get to know everyone of them.
After almost 2 hours, finally it came to the very end..results. 5 of us were called to the stage. I guessed i would be the last. But i didn't bother....the MC annouced the 5th wasn't me....then come 4th...."Dear, it got to be me this time", it wasn't because of I had no confident on myself, but i respect the rest of them who were really better than me..."If by luck, the best I can go is 3rd....", just after my thaught, 4th was annouced...I made into top 3! That surprised me a lot! Now came to #3.....the girl next to me suddently shout at me saying I was in top2! She peeked at the results, and she was right, she was 3rd and I made to the final 2!!!!
I was brought to the center now together with the ex Malaysian Idol finalist! The Miss World moment was happening to me...and the winner was....The Veteran! Yeah, I lose to her..I took 2nd, but hey, that wasn't important to me at all. I didn't expect to win anything the first place started from the audition. I just wanted a chance to sing to Sandy Lam.
When i walked to Sandy to take my prize, I couldn't describe how excited I was, Sandy so pretty! And I can't believe my eyes that the idol I have workshiped since 20 years ago was standing there, giving me the prize! It was too good to be true!It was a mircale. Here, I can no longer hold myself, the kid inside me came out, I cheered "Sandy I Love You" while i took over my prize from her. I hope Sandy didn't stunt becos of that haha.
I really wish it could happen one more time, especially with Sandy. I hope I can do this again some day and sing together with Sandy "At Least You Are There". That was an amazing journey to me, a miracle happened. I will never ever forget this moment. It will always be the moment of my life.
To everyone out there, don't give up on your hope, miracle does happen!
Posted by Cartoon Sticker at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 30, 2006
Semi comes final!
Started from a nerve cracking Saturday morning, I began my journey with the rest of the 18 contestants in the semi final. The venue is at the stage in the Times Square Genting, an open stage which is not too big in the concourse.
I can't remember much what happened during that moment, all i knew was, one of the contestant stunted me, she was the lucky #1, and she is a veteran who also a top 10 in the Malaysian Idol 2005. Besides her, I also noticed a few other regulars who took part in other reality singing show. I knew there was nothing much I can do but doing my best, to pick only 5 contestants out for the same night final would be very tough for an amateur like me.
Within an hour hour, it was my turn, the 10th contestant. My hands shaked badly the whole time when i was on stage. I tried so hard to hold myself together, just to think of the lyrics and the music. "I just wanna have fun..." that's the thing I kept thinking of.
Maybe just like most people said, you'll get it when u are least expected. I was shocked I was chosen as the only male contestant in the top 5 to go into the night finals!
Let me try to recap the feeling when my name ws announced......I remember i almost grabbed the girls on my left and right and shout out..."I made it too???"

Posted by Cartoon Sticker at 3:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 20, 2006
I made it into the Sandy Lam Singing Contest semi final!
The contest is organised by EMI inconjunction of Sandy Lam to Malaysia on the 14 October promoting her December concert in Malaysia and her latest album. The contest started off with a few audition locations in Penang Island, Johor Bharu, Kuala Lumpur and last in Genting Highland. It basically covered most major part of the country, is truly one of the major singing contests in the country of the year.
Oh, let's get back to my motive joining the contest..It started base on the kid inside me, I am a big fan of Sandy Lam! This is the chance of my life time to sing in front of her, and of course, a chance to sing in Genting Arena, the most pretisgious concert hall in Malaysia, as good as Kodak Theather in LA!
I remember the day i went to the audition in Genting last week, nerve was all over me...if it wasn't my friends kept pushing me, i would have gone home. Honestly, I am just an amateur, it has been at least 8 years i never sang in public, not to say if I have to sing on the stage.
Undecisively, I walked to the registration counter, took the form, filled up, when i was about to put in the name of the song i wanted to sing, I was told the song wasn't in the list! Gosh, I bet you know how tensed I was at the moment. What choice i left? I had to request to sing acapella! It wasn't suppose to be accepted, however, maybe the judges pity me, I was allowed. Then i was brought to the waiting room...waiting for my turn.
At the very last second i wanted to walk out from the waiting room and leave, my friends came in. They calmed me down, and we decided to find another song with music to sing. So 3 of us busy looking for substitute, there, they helped me picked this song "Day & Night".
After about 30 min, i was called to the audition last check, I told the assistant about me changing my song with one condition, I got to look at the screen to see the lyrics and sing! I know what a disastereous attempt...but it is better than acapella, i thaught. So i walked in togther with the assistant, and I saw the judges! Those familiar judges that judged in some TV singing reality show..."Can I go?" That was the only thing i could remember to say inside me. The assistant helped me to explain my situation. I even told my a-night before decision and I came empty hands. Then one of the judge spoke, they accepted my attempt. However, I needed to sing one extra song, the acapella song that i registered earlier.
Music started, I sang looking the screen....yeah i know that was so embarrassing! Surprisingly, no pitchy problem and the judges seemed to like it. Now the worst moment came...without lyrics, I can't remember the lyrics in my acapella song. I invented the lyrics, i stumbled....all most anything that you can name of except my voice. After my performance, one of the judges spoke to me that I can't sing without knowing the lyrics. What else can I say? My fault....
I walked out the room with emptyness...and i thaught it got to be a No.
Ever since then, i was very disappointed about myself for not able to remember the lyrics...and i realised how badly I actually wanted to sing in the final. I as hoping the miracle..
Yes, it happened! 12 October 2006, when i was able to leave my work, an sms came...saying in mandarin " ..congratulations you are in the semi final!" I couldn't believe my eyes.....I made it!!!! I made it!!!!!
Now, I am looking forward for the coming 12 October, I promised myself it will be my day! be continued
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
A rejuvenated trip in Bali
Let's beging with my first stay at Kuta...
Well known as the famous surfing spot in Bali, here, you will see so many surfers walking around the town. The beach is just a few walks from the town, and is usually packed with so many people. Along the side are all the 5 stars & 4 stars luxurious hotels. Is the most crowded and happening spot in Bali. Hotels in Bali is about the same except in Ubud, which I will tell more later. The front of the hotels may look small and narrow, road leading to the hotels' lobby is narrow too. But if you go towards the lobby area, you will be so wrong. It's as amazing as Alice in Wonderland. You can never imagined beyond the lobby area is blocks of rooms and big gardens. Everything suddently has become so huge and spacious. With its rich herritage and traditional vibrant of colors and nice sculptures plus decorations, hotels in Bali is uniquely distinguished from the rest of the world.
In Kuta, you may find lots of shops selling pirated branded stuffs, such as D&G, AX etc. And the price is more reasonable than Shen Zhen & Shanghai in China & Thailand. Besides, Balinese is easier to negotiate with too. Best place to go for, Kuta Square.

Besides the Villa, another thing that make my jaw drops is the Karina SPA. To me, it is not just the most beautiful and expensive SPA in Bali, but I woud say it is surely one of the best of the Asia. Doing SPA in Ubud is so different compared else where. Imagine, lying under the open air surrounded with jungles, trees and padi fields, enjoying the massage while listening to the jungles whispering softly in your ears and the cool breeze. It feels like heaven! Here in Karina, each guest will have a chance to enjoy themselves in their private SPA villa. The Villa is 2 stories tall. Lower ground would be the washroom, shower room, steam room and changing room, while upper is another heaven. The Massage room, the swimming poor, the jacuzzi and the fantastic jungle & mountain views!
In Karina, I have finally found the Balinese's signature massage. The technique consists of punturing and stretching. And the unique part is the hand rolling, I thaught i was being rolled by some massage balls! What more can I say, is simply the best massage I ever had.

Posted by Cartoon Sticker at 8:43 AM
Saturday, June 24, 2006
My sister's 25th birthday party

My cousin (the one with mic) was so into the singing mood. I would give her 100% score for her emotion. But deduc 100% from her "quarky" voice. (hehe)
This is the moment we've been waiting for, candle! cake! and birthday song! And to the birthday girl, what is more excited than open the gift after this? ( I gave a Jean Paul Gautier summer edition fragrance to her and she likes it a lot, that what brother is for.)
The party lasted around 4 hrs (from 9.00pm - almost 2am). If it was not becos my future-brother in law rushing home for the France match in the world cup, we would've stayed until it closes at 3am! What can i say, good time is never enough.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
A journey to the moon

I salute u, Mr & Mrs Astraunault.
Posted by Cartoon Sticker at 11:52 AM 0 comments
Eating out at Alamanda, Putrajaya
It was a refreshing and relaxing dining at Alamanda Putrajaya. One of the reasons could be it is away from the stressful and boring city,& secondly, it wasn't crowded, gave me a perfect balance of food & leisure.
I really had a great time fun chatting with my best friends, and of course taking photos as much as we like (as if we own the restaurant :P)
Oh, i almost forgot to recommend this Rasberry Cheese Cake. I wonder why it isn't a signature cakes of [Secret Recipe]. It tastes marvellous to me. I definately will have it again at my soonest!
Posted by Cartoon Sticker at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 15, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
The city of angels, Bangkok

Mission : iSPA conference
Yay! Finally I made it to Bangkok. Here's a snapshot of me when I was attending the iSPA conference. I didn't manage to visit anywhere during the first 3 days, but I do enjoy meeting so many wonderful people and nice Thais during the conference.
I stayed at the Imperial Queens Park Hotel. In front is a busy street with lots of shops, massage centers, pub areas and nice restaurants. And to my surprise, there is elephant too! Haha

(a scene of me feeding the elephant. How i wish I can carry it home with me)
Night MarketBesides its notorious red light district, Bangkok surely a heaven to anyone who likes to wonder around at the night market. Pat Pong & Silom which stands out side by side combined making it a good night market to those who enjoys night life. They are separated by a main road but connected with lanes. At the lanes, here is the famous red light district, shows and almost everything you like to see about man & woman. (You know what I mean)


Pat Pong
Enjoying drinks at a pub nearby
If u looking for a one-stop center such as looking for wholesale, don't miss out Suan Lum. It is a huge night market where you can find almost everything. Don't miss out the food centers and entertaiment too.
Transportation is cheap in Bangkok. The price of the cab is reasonable & comfortable. Tuk Tuk is another way to travel especially during the heavy traffic, however, i strongly do not recommend if it's raining.
Fast Food
Like else where in the world, you can find fast food easily, except they have their own dessert cater to their local market. Here's one dessert which I found it interesting, it is KFC's "Strawberry Cheese Cake". I haven't found it else where yet in Singapore & Malaysia, try it if you have a chance. Yummy.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
A heat escape at Fraser's Hill
Date: 29 & 30 April 2006
Venue: Pahang, Malaysia
It was a long weekend, and that's how a gang of us decided to go Fraser's Hill for leisure, and of course to escape the terrible heat lately.
Fraser's Hill is a very very small place, situated 1500 above the sea level, it's temperature is cooling and varies from 16 - 23 celcious.
It is a great place to enjoy natures, with lots of jungle trails to choose from, and bird watching. It is overall a great quiet place to relax and ease the pressures.
Oh look...we found something, is a bird? no, flower? a map! And that's where we are at the moment. Phewwww....
Rich in flora, everything is greenish here.
There's other small interesting places such as horse riding, lake, waterfalls etc. But if you are leech-phobia like I do, stay out of wet fields! hehe.
Posted by Cartoon Sticker at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 24, 2006
Doraemon's favourite snack
Kek Lok Si Temple
Location: Penang Island, Malaysia
Date visited: 24 April 2006
It is one of the historical temple to visit in Penang. It is basically divided into 2 parts. The Pagoda, and the Kuan Yin statue.
There are also others attraction in the temple such as garden, and the liberation pond, which consists of turtles that were released by the prayers. Was told some of the turtles has reached almost 100 years old or older!
The pagoda comprises hundreds of statues with different poses. However there is an entrance fee.
Kuan Yin Statue
After decades, the Kuan Yin Statue has finally being "renovated". It is now replaced by the metal structure and sit on a square that specially taylored for the structure. In a few years time, the statue will be sheltered which makes it the largest structures that overlooked the whole Ayer Hitam.
Other Attractions
Use the old staircase that cut through from the market. And don't forget to get a good bargain at the shops.
Posted by Cartoon Sticker at 9:10 AM 2 comments