Monday, May 15, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
The city of angels, Bangkok

Mission : iSPA conference
Yay! Finally I made it to Bangkok. Here's a snapshot of me when I was attending the iSPA conference. I didn't manage to visit anywhere during the first 3 days, but I do enjoy meeting so many wonderful people and nice Thais during the conference.
I stayed at the Imperial Queens Park Hotel. In front is a busy street with lots of shops, massage centers, pub areas and nice restaurants. And to my surprise, there is elephant too! Haha

(a scene of me feeding the elephant. How i wish I can carry it home with me)
Night MarketBesides its notorious red light district, Bangkok surely a heaven to anyone who likes to wonder around at the night market. Pat Pong & Silom which stands out side by side combined making it a good night market to those who enjoys night life. They are separated by a main road but connected with lanes. At the lanes, here is the famous red light district, shows and almost everything you like to see about man & woman. (You know what I mean)


Pat Pong
Enjoying drinks at a pub nearby
If u looking for a one-stop center such as looking for wholesale, don't miss out Suan Lum. It is a huge night market where you can find almost everything. Don't miss out the food centers and entertaiment too.
Transportation is cheap in Bangkok. The price of the cab is reasonable & comfortable. Tuk Tuk is another way to travel especially during the heavy traffic, however, i strongly do not recommend if it's raining.
Fast Food
Like else where in the world, you can find fast food easily, except they have their own dessert cater to their local market. Here's one dessert which I found it interesting, it is KFC's "Strawberry Cheese Cake". I haven't found it else where yet in Singapore & Malaysia, try it if you have a chance. Yummy.